Sunday, December 28, 2008


dis monday is my parent's 20th anniversary!!
plan asal ak tuk celebrate dieorg x dpt dijalankn..
*ni sume salah ytn yg lmbt kuar! cett!
So, after discussion between adek2 ku..
we all decide juz buat d simple way je..
disebabkn msalah kegawatan ekonomi negara yg kian pesat..
Hope evrythin will be ok..
n they will be surprise!!
yippie!! cayang mama n ayah!!..

Friday, December 26, 2008


mood : suPer duPer HePpy!

sye da ade di my sweet hOme!!
sgt sronok dpt jmpe mama, ayah n adek2..

Monday, December 22, 2008

♥kaWan shaye♥

*at ilmu..tyme bie jdi pmbantu angkat brg ak nk blik jhr..=D

Saye on da way nk siapkn assignment ni..hehehe
Tibe2 rase nk knalkan kawan ksyangan shaye kt korg
Yg saye pelok tu la kawan saye..=D
Actually CHENTA gave it 2 me as my bsday present
On my 19th bsday..5 NOV 2008 bru2 ni..
Tersgt2 heppi okie dpt teddy besharr!!..^_^
Let me introduce her, her name is "PIKIE"
y "PIKIE"??
bcoz CHENTA noe i LOVE pink damn much..
so from name "PINKY" become "PIKIE" for d teddy..
When i got dis teddy CHENTA ask me..
"taw x knp bie pilih "PIKIE" ni utk syg??"
ak pon ckap la x taw..
Then smbil gelak2 die ckp..
"Sebab...perot die BONCIT cam sayang!!!"
*spe yg agy BONCIT sbnrnye bie?????..=p
Btw, saye sangat heppi ade "PIKIE"
when i mish CHENTA.."PIKIE" la jadi mngse pelukanku!
Thankz to CHENTA bagi "PIKIE" pde sye..
Jgn jeles klau saye sayang "PIKIE" lbey dri kamu

♥geTTin beTTer♥

alhamdulillah...lyfe ku gettin better n better..
jiwe ak da kembali ke tempat asal die..
*ahhh..tenangnye jiwe~~
ak yakin dgn die..
mimpi tu x mungkin jadi kenyataan
kerna ak taw..
ape yg tersirat di hatinye..
dan peristiwe ni buat ak sedar
ak amat menyintai dirinye..
p/s:bie..sye da bley blaja!!..=p

Saturday, December 20, 2008


mode : kerisauan
keinginan : kebahagiaan & ketenangan

smlm ketike ak bru sje pulg dri msk ak rse gelisah..
nak kate letih..xde la letih mane..
mungkin hati dan otak yang tidak brape tenang ni yang buat

ak rase gelisah..
ak x taw knp..fikiran ak sprti d tmpat lain pde mase tu..
hanye hati dan jiwe ak sahaje yg taw ke mne melayangnye
fikiran ak d waktu tu..
ak cube..dn trus mncube mnunjukkn keceriaan dlm diri..
ak pakse fikiran ku pulg ke tempat ak berada di waktu tu..
alhamdulillah sdikit demi sdikit ak mampu mengubah diri
kerana CHENTA.. thankz to CHENTA kerana berada di sisi..
dia pengubat..dia lah racun..dia lah segalanye bagi ak..
ak mohon pada Allah..tenangkanlah hati hambamu ini
ya Allah.. kau pulangkanlahh keceriaan dan kegembiraan
yg ak milikikau tabahkanlah hatiku menjalani hidup dan
dalam mnerime hakikat kehidupan.. Aminn...

Kepada sahabat2 WAWASAN kesygnku..
ak memohon maaf..
ak rse bersalah yang teramat pade korang..
ak x rase ak memberi komitmen sepenuhnye pada mlm tu..
maafkan ak kwan2..
ak janji ak akan tros bsama
WAWASAN ksygnku dan bjuang
bsame korg sume.. i LOVE u all n i LOVE WAWASAN..

To board MSK1,
TAHNIAH kpd korg sume..
korg da buat sehabis baik..
walaupon mcm2 dugaan menimpa..
korg tetap berjaye mencapai objektif..
TAHNIAH sekali lagi tuk korg k..
dengan pengalaman yg kte ade ni..

WAWASAN pasti akan menjadi yang lebih baik d mase2
akan dtg!!!

To my board for MSK2,
kak ain, tasha, azan, nicky n zul..
haa...d time for us will come..
so, nasihat saye cube belajar dri ksilapan k..
walaupon program kite lambat lagi dijalankan..
tp pengajaran dari program2 lain da bole anda semue
ambil tuk kte buat sesuatu yg lebih baik..
saye akan sentiase bsame korg semua..
selamat bkerjasame.. hehehe..=D

Friday, December 19, 2008


Kenape kite jatuh cinta??
Kenape kite jatuh cinta pade seseorang yang akhirnye
ditakdirkan pergi dari hidup kite??
Kenapa mesti setiap cinta ade dukanye??
Kenapa cinta selalu ade pasang surutnye??
Bagi aku, cinta adalah satu perasaan yang kite sendiri
t idak dapat memahaminye smpai bile-bile..
Sampaikan tiade satu ungkapan dapat menyatakan
sedalam mane cinta kite pade seseorang..
Cinta adalah satu perasaan sangat indah..
tapi ingat..cinta juge x selalunye indah..
Cinta boleh juge menjadi satu perkara yang sangat2
menyakitkan jika dugaan datang melanda..
So, kepada pasangan yang bercinta,
bersedialah menghadapi sebarang kemungkinan..
kerana dugaan itu pasti ade cume mase dan
ketikanye saje tidak kite ketahui bile..
Dan bersabarlah dalam melalui suke duke
perjuangan sebuah cinta..

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

hati saye terase ade luke hari ni..
x taw mane datangnye..
sgt sukar tuk diluah..
hanye tuhan yg tahu..

Thursday, December 4, 2008

♥aWard frOm BABE♥

yeay!! my babe gave me d award!
"Time kasih kpd semua yg menyokong saye selama ni!!"
*bajet cm menang juara lagu!..hak2
Thankz to babe..
pdahal ak slalu je kot x dpt nk hapdet bende blog ni..
Maklumla... BUSY~~
on d way nk msok dean's list! Hak2..
now ak nak anugerahkn dis award to
~ cik tuty
~ en. ickie
~ cik qils
~ cik intan cecep

Monday, November 24, 2008

♥new haiR♥

wuuuu...rmbut ku udah pendek..
my CHENTA nye idea la ni..
CHENTA kata chumel..
korang kate ape plak???..

*spt biase d fittin room..=D


wahhh..dgr2 cte sok result kuar..
adeiiii cuakknye..
ape la nasib circuitku..
*jgn fail sudah!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

♥ryndu die♥

jauh..mesti ade masalah..

♥setelah sekian lama♥

wahhh.. da lame daku x online..hik2..
walaupun dok umah keje tido je..
sori la wahai reader2ku..
nanti klau free akan ku update yer..
mish u all..muahh2!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


sok adelah paper harapan ak..^_^..
ini bermaksud satu2 paper yg ak rase
insyaallah xkan cam taik
sperti paper2 yg laen..
smoge allah help me answer paper ni esok..
*wish me luck yaa

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

♥1ST papEr♥

bak kate status ak kat ym skrg ni..
"rama2 smakin byk memenuhi tiap sudut protku"
cmtu la tkotnye ak nk exam sok!!
bg ak dis paper susah wOo!! formula sgt byk!
otak ak da x sbar nk mmuntahkn data2 clclus ni..
stress smpan data ni lame2!! hihihi..
smoge ak dpt jwb dgn tnang sok..
*doakan daku rakan2*

Saturday, October 25, 2008


hik3..=D.. ak tgh ktensionan tahap gaban..
so, ak pon terase la tnjuk rupe ak time ak kecik..
hik2...time ni umo ak 3 thon he..
*time ni ak nanes..xde org nk layan ak men helicopter!!*

*time ni ak x sbar nk nek keta men2 stereng keta*

hik2...chumel x saye??


waaaa....EXAMku juz around d corner..
sempat ke abis stdy ni??? hope so sempat..
kpd rakan2,
doakan ak sempat abis study n bjaye nti he..
ak doakan korg2 bjaye juge nti..AMIN..
p/s: my CHENTA da balik umah..time 2 b independent!!..=)
mish him sO much.. i'll try my best 4 u my dear.. muax!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

♥desiGn baJu korpoRat♥

To rakan2 STTK,
dis is d design of baju korporat..
anda yg ingin menempah bole mule membayar
rm30 deposit kepade cik izwah..
Tarikh akhir adelah pade hari selase.
Ape2 pertanyaan sile hubungi 0179015886 @

Friday, October 17, 2008

♥gonNa miss♥

awak..awak da nak pegi tggalkn saye..
msti sye ryndu awak nnti...
sye ingt sye dapat abis mase dgn awak
sblm awak pilih kwan awak..
hmm..its ok then... even its hurt..
i'll tryin to understand k..
wutever u do n wutever happen..
i still LOVE U..*sangat2 taw*
dats d thin u shud nOe honey..
plzz..dun ever 4get me..=)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today is our monthlyversary yg ke-7th month..
*ramai ingt kami da lame da..=p*
Here..i juz wan 2 wish
2 my busUk bie..=p..
Thankz 4 mlayan my kerenah slame ni..
N thnkz krane mencintai diriku seadanye...
Smoge ikatn cinta n kasih antara kite akan kekal abadi..
2 aLL..doakan kami bahagia hingge ank cucu taw..


Last few weeks CHENTA give me dis song..
die ckp dis is wut he rse dlm hati towards me..
seriusly ak x pnh dgr lagu ni bfore..
1st tyme ak dgr lagu..feel trharu sgt2..
*nanes gak ak..sob3.=p*
Thankz sgt2 to CHENTA..
Thankz 4 appreciate me in ur lyfe.
I ♥ u so much dear!!! mmuah2!!
Kt sini ak letak d lyrics utk korg nilai sndiri dis song
whether brmkne ke x..
Bole la korg bgi kt gf2 @ bf2..hahaha...

Resah yang ku
Ubah dalam kata
Melukiskan kesunyian
Tanpa engkau aku tak mengerti
Pagi itu menatapi
Akan sunyi tanpamu
Menemani aku sepi
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Kini benar-benarku rasakan
Dalam benuk hatiku tanpamu
Ku tak mengerti
Takut jauh dari dirimu
Kan kau tinggalkan aku sendiri
Tanpamu ku mati
Resah yang ku
Ubah dalam kata
Melukiskan kesunyian
Tanpa engkau aku tak mengerti
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati
Tanpa.. Cintamu aku resah
Tanpa.. Kasihmu aku hampa
Tanpa.. Dirimu aku mati

Friday, October 10, 2008


waHhh..diRIku suda smakin busy di UNi10 ini..
adOiii!! da lame ak tdak mghapdet blog ksygnku ini..
MAAF banget kpde reaDers2.. harap maaf...=p..
di keSempatan ini rsenye lom tlmbt tuk ak ucapkan
to aLL..
aMpun dan maaf la he tuk sume..
to UNi10 mmbRs..same2 la kte mndengar lagu raye di UNi10 ni..=p..

Saturday, September 27, 2008

::laGi taGged!!!::

* Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
* Answer all the question asked.
* Tag 3 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
* Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

1 minit yang lalu, apa anda buat?
#tiDO..*tido sgt besh*

1 hari yang lalu, apa anda buat?
#test DE n rOnggeNg witH freNs..*karok+uptown+photoshoot..wee~*

1 hari lagi, apa anda akan buat?
#yeay!!! gOing back to mY hOme..*misz my i come!!*

1 orang yang terakhir menelefon kamu?

1 makanan yang baru dibeli?
#meE gOreng baSah at ANUGERAH..

1 perkara yang diidamkan?
#maw GARDEN WEDDING yg penoH dgN rOse putih

1 tempat yang ingin dikunjungi?
#x ksah..asal hnye ade ak dan CHENTA...*jgn jeles..=p*

1 barang yang baru hilang?

1 cerita yang baru ditonton?

1 hal yang terakhir digosipkan?
#bulan pose, saye tade la gossip2..hahaha

1 kata yang ingin diluahkan?
#baju raye tade dis year..sob3..

1 buku yang sudah dibaca?
#rinduku cintaku by fauziah ashaari..*nk laki romantic cam hariz!!*

1 penyakit yang sering datang?
#gaStric..*ak benci gastric ni..huh!*

1 keinginan?
#nak bli ape yg mama, ayah, adek2, atok, nenek,
n CHENTA inginkan slame ni tp x mampu

1 hajat dari pari-pari?
#nk mntak jdi genius..xyah susah2 study cam nk mati

1 kenangan yang tak mungkin dilupakan?
#speNt my niTe with hiM..*jgn pikir lain..=p*

1 sebab anda mengeTAG?
#cian kat org yg mngetag ak=sis oLeen*d mOst cuttest wwsn's sis*

mangsa-mangsa TAG akuh?
_tash babe_
_kak aiZa_

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Tagged by: mR. aZam

Are you fasting right now?
- pOse laa..bru je pas buke..*kenyanggg Oooo*

What would you like to have for buka?
- ketam masak lemak cili api mama msak...waa...nakkk!!!
*lom pnah puase kt umh sndri agy..=(*

Describe Malaysia’s politics(currently) in one word

What wud u like ur boyfriend/girlfriend to call u the most?
-SAYANG least all people noe..he's mine..
n die sndiri x malu nk ngaku die ade awek..hehehe

What are the five things that would absolutely make u happy?
- when dapat bgi anythin yg mama, ayah, adek2, atok, nenek,
n my CHENTA nak sebelom x pnah trcapai..
*smoge cite2 ak trcapai*

Who tagged you?
- mR. aZam

Describe the person who tagged you
- seorang yg happenin tp kdang serius.. btanggungjawab..
ade ciri2 pemimpin..cume klau die serabut..xmo kcau!!
muke garang OooOo.. agy satu..klau nk karok ley ajak die..
bapak feel klau nyanyi...hahahaha
*hahaha..kantoi sudah abg azam..=p*

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


waaa..ak kangen banget utk menulis blog..
tp apekan daye.. kebusyanku ditahap yg amat mlmpau2..
STRESS!!*kuiz! test!* Arghhh!! susah gak jdi student ni..
camni balik kg kawin la snang!
HaHahAhaHa!!*x psal2 idop mkn pasir nti..wee~*
Bile evrythin back tO normal..i'll start membloGging kembali
keyh people!!


Thursday, September 11, 2008


{Tagged by nandnous}Jadi, sesiapa yang kena tag nih silalah,1. Copy gambar smiley kat atas ni then post it into ur blog.2. Tag pada min of 5 other bloggers [muslim] yang anda kenal who will then tag minimumnya pada 5 other bloggers.3. Jangan lupa tinggalkan komen pada blog mereka utk bgtau yg diorang dah kena tag.Insan kena tag berikutnya:
5)abg azam

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

::FrieNdshiP wiLL neVer end::

today adalah hari yg mngheppikan ak even ade tangisan yg

mngalir..bcoz tangisan tu adalah tangisan kegembiraan 2

org sahabat...i'm sO heppi babe!..=D..

actually baru2 ni ade satu masalah yg berlaku antara

ak n one of my sahabat.. aLL is bout misunderstanding

between us.. at the beginnin, ak sdey sgt2..sbb diriku telah


but after we did a heart-to-heart talk dis mornin..

everyhthin was clearly explained.. both of us have our own

reason..n also our own mistakes..

Then Our heart-to-heart talk akhirnye berakhir dgn pelukan

dan tangisan 2 org sahabat..

Ape yg berlaku ni membuatkan ikatan persahabatan antara

kami semakin kukuh... SAYANG KAMU DEAR!!


yeay!! 2moRRow maw buke pose bsame rakan2 terCHENTA!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Tepat pukul kul 4.20pm ak trase perotku mahu mneruskan

kembali aktivitinye yg mmg amat menyakitkan tuan punye

perot.. "adoooiiii!!!" sepuas hati ak menekan ulu hati supaye

ksakitn yg drasai dpt dkurgkn..

tetapi after beberape minit..ksakitanku tidak juge dpat

dkurangkan... "waaaa.. WTH!! bru hari ke-9 puase la perot!!

jgn la gedik2!!.. ade agy 21 days to go"

*ak menyumpah2 perot di dlm hati*

Now da kul 6.30 but ksakitan masih lgi x kurg dan ak

kseorangn di rumah...=(.. Sedeynye sorg2..

Ape mahu buke ni?.. Kakiku mmg x mampu untuk berjalan

sumenye kerana karenah perotku hari ini......

Ak pasrah..hmm.. ujian Allah sume ni.. Sabar k perot..sob3..

Friday, September 5, 2008


alhamdulillah..=).. ak bru je abis bersahur.. menu fOr 2day 2

keping roti bakar with choclate n hazelnut spread.. Sedap

OoO rase choclaten hazelnut spread tu..

Klu koRg x pnah mkn..try la k..*promote2* Ni gmbr die..

*avaiable at all stores in malaysia..=p*

Actually kn 2 keping tu ak rse xde la kenyang sgt sbnrnye..

tp ak buat2 kenyang sudeyh!*tp npe ak x krus2 mkn 2 kpg je??*

finished eatin 2 kpg roti tu..ak mnom milo n air msak..

smbil ak duduk2 mnom tu..ak teringt lak psal AGM ptg ni..

tkot la plak.. Jwatan ape la yg ak akan btanding nti..

Harap2 evythin will be ok la kn... Ak sayang WAWASAN..

So, insyaallah ak snggup sacrifice anythin for our club..

Menang ke kalah ke dlm AGM tu nti..ak tetap akan still bersama

WAWASAN..=D.. MmmuAhh2!!!*kisz for our club only hee*

Neway to CHENTA.. "wahh..perot da kenyang..tros tdo he!! Cett!!"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

scoRpio woMan vS caPricoRN man

Ak bru je lepas tgok page senior ak.. Kak aiza.. Ade zodiac yg

mnarik la disitu.. Tersgt2 la detail...*abis kantoi sume ciri2 ak*

So ak pOn try la bace zodiac ak ngn CHENTA skali..

Gempak gak r bnde tu! Byk yg btol.. Siyes..

So, nti pde sape2 kwan2 yg bminat ley ley tgk ur Own kt web

SELAMAT MENCUBE!!*cam mencube resepi msak2 la plak..hik3*


~simple woman n always show wut kind of mood she is in..
~u can tell rite way if she upset @ flirting with u..
~displays herself with her act much more than tryin to say it for it's in her character
~has her own mysterious personality
~deep down inside she's quite proud of herself
~hates to think she is born a woman n so limiting her with a certain social acceptable rules
~a real woman
~despite her innocent n childish look, she has a spirit of free soul
~men are wrong if think she is a good follower
~think being a plain smple housewife is boring
~likes havin power n controlles people..but this will be only her secret..
so u will see a cute woman
~evrythin she does will look good
~has all woman's trick u can think of
~can manipulate men without they noeing it
~if u think she's goin to do evrythin u say bcoz she luv u, then u will b dissapointed..
~could be little tomboyish
~can understand u by juz lookin un ur eyes
~u may say sweet word which can sweep any woman but not with scorpio woman
~use her X-ray eye readin ur thought of wut u juz said n wut r u goin 2 say
~always smile n can really hide her feelin
~constantly show u dat she loves freedom
~if she has freedom, she will not leave u n even luv u more
~will do evrythin to get wut she want
~has her own sixth sense of people
~u can feel energy feed back when u around her
~likes man who respect her n she will also respect n feel proud of dat man
~a man with power over her should not threat or challenge her confident
~likes to have gud lookin, strong n healthy man especially when she start compare with
her friend's is a plus if he hold a dgree or gud career
~is a hot lady
~likes heavy music
~she either loves or hate, there r no "fond of" or "like" for her
~love has no "mayb" or "perhaps"
~if real mad, she will thrash n throw things..her wind storm can sweep all her dishes
n u could get accidentally hit on ur head for dis matter
~Be calm, it's juz ur grand mother favorite china for she has good quality as much as
her bad tempered.
~sumtimes shows her weakness but it won't be long..she will put herself together n back
to be d hot chili again
~if she luvs u, it will be no matter what other people may say
~relationship will b more important then what is rite or wrong..bcoz of dis u may find some
scorpio woman become a second wife
~she is spoil but she allows her love one to over power her
~Dating dis woman, u should not keep old luv letters in ur pocket or in ur house.
It could be a luv letter 2 years ago, but she will argue bout dis since dis is a big deal for a
suspicious woman. Remember she has a temper of the shrew.
~if u play cold war with her..she will treat u likewise n double it.
~if u stood up her once..she will stood u up 2 or 3 times
~quite fair in can accept ur apologise as much as she can pretend 2 accept things
for now n wait for a payback revenge in d future
~if u nice to hear, she will double dat to u as well
~a real fair woman
~likes to make n spent money
~like have fame n reputations n never let herself broke n hve no nme at d same time
~she's to proud n will not accept status for being "poor"
~loves to have if u r manager with a small salary, she will b proud more than
more money being a truck driver
~hates to think n she can't stand of feelin of being a "Nobody"
~if like her, play a little hard to get her..this will excite her a bit..when u go out for date..set
a schedule..but dun let she noe, u hve planned dis for weeks.. always go pick up her on time
or 5-10 min early

*A man in this Zodiac will has a pair of round big beautiful eyes, a nice structure jaw line.
*He is a good listener and can understand everything easily and clearly.
*He can guess what you will say before you even say it.
*He often shakes his head or touch his hair.
*He is a big built, but he will tend to have a small ear.
*He tends to have a darker shade of hair and eyes' color.
*He will likely have a short and strong neck, broad shoulder, muscular, strong hands and
*He has a shorter fingers compare to the man of the same size and same height in the
other zodiac.
*His hands can work well at the same time can protect and care for his woman.
*His height will be proportional to his weight.
*He will walk firmly and always take a big long step.
*As he walks he will look around in caution with no disturbance from his problems at
present or in the past.
*He likes to watch things built with fascinate and wonder about how it is done, so you
could see him watching a construction site and not get bored.
*He is a good dancer.
*He is a careful person in instinct, so even at dance floor, he will already have to know
what in front or behind him before he will take any steps.
*Green is his favorite color.
*You will mostly see him wear green, navy, blue, or brown.
*In all 12 Zodiacs, he is the one who can get the most satisfaction from possession of
beautiful thing, and cherish it as if it is very valuable to him even it is just a crystal
ball made in France.
*It is his luck that he hardly has to chase after woman.
*They always come themselves without his invitation.
*He likes to treat his guest in his house than visiting his guest at their house.
*He does not like to be a center of attention, so if you need his help, you have to
look up for him.
*He lives his life in stability and simplicity.
*Every decision made are already "Sure" and carefully thought out.
*He will not do what he has been asked to do if he is not interested in doing it.
*He acts casually but in reality, he always doing things seriously.
*He loves peaceful and quiet environment so in his free time, he will stay at home
instead of going out and look for adventure.
*He loves nature and dreams of a nice and quiet house with lots of trees, or he may
dream of a house in a beautiful countryside.
*He will let you have freedoms and watching you in a distance.
*If you are over doing something, he will let you know by his icy cold look.
*He is the perfect lover in all the Zodiac for nothing he will not do for his love one.
*He won't allow people to laugh at him or think he is a joker, so he will spent for himself
luxury for what it is worth.
*He likes neat and well dressed woman, so do not be a slop if you are dating this guy.
*If you do that he will loose his face.
*He is the romantic type who would dance with you under the moon light.
*Love will make him shines and you will see it in his face.
*He will not say it out loud, you have to know it yourself.