Monday, September 1, 2008

aDe x pDe diri ak??

Wahh..ak bru je lpas tgok blog (kak nand)... Cam besh je..

So now ak pOn nk tnye korg la..ade x ek personality2 

ni kt diri ak??..*jujur taw..=p* 

  1. Loves being in a long relationship
  2. Likes to give a good fight for what they want
  3. Extremely outgoing
  4. Loves to help people intimes of need
  5. Best kisser
  6. Good personality
  7. Stubborn
  8. A caring person
  9. One of a kind
  10. Gorgeous smile
  11. Not one to mess with
  12. Are the most attractive people on earth!!
Hnye org lain boleh menilai diri kite..

*tlg nilai diri ak yerr..=D*


kotakpensel said...

best kisser tu kami tak tau nak nilai camne!!! LOLOLOL~~

Nand Nasyari said...

hahaha...kompem sume ade..sbb kite scorpio.. wahahaha ( ngn nada berlagak..!!)


adzreen adzman said...

yeah2!! idOp scOrpio!!..=p

adzreen adzman said...

hoit!~ kekeke.. mengongnye kotak pensel..=p..

tu laki ak je r bOle nilai nti..kakakaka
